Video Surveillance

The combined effects of human action and climate change have caused changes in land use and a decrease in forest cover. Forest conservation is vital for mitigation and adaptation to climate change: through the reduction of emissions from deforestation and degradation, in addition to the maintenance and retention of carbon dioxide in them.

Forests play a crucial role in the fight against climate change: they constitute a natural barrier against catastrophes and extreme climate events, and stand as an integral part of broader plans and strategies for adaptation and mitigation of the effects of global warming.

Forests need to be protected

DETIF Detection

We must preserve and guard our precious natural reserves; to do so, each natural park should have a fire management and surveillance network that is adequately equipped, humanly and technically.

In recent times, the world of semiconductors has advanced so much that anyone can have a mobile device with 4k cameras, with 5G internet access and a computing capacity that was unimaginable a few decades ago.

Currently, video surveillance devices intended for early fire detection tasks have a high cost, to which must be added the installation, commissioning, maintenance and analysis and control software for the cameras.

Fortunately, thanks to the advances and achievements of the video surveillance sector for the domestic consumption sector, we can monitor all our forests, valleys, hills, plains, in short, all our natural treasure, uninterruptedly at a low cost.

The price of high-resolution cameras as well as compact computers have been drastically reduced in recent years, making it possible to install a video surveillance system in each area of interest at a competitive price.

DETIF CamCarrusel

Our objective is to reduce as much as possible the number of hectares burned by fires.

Our job is to offer an automatic wildfire early detection system to surveillance networks as a complement and reinforcement of their hard work at a competitive price.